Gründerfonds Ruhr I
Gründerfonds Ruhr GmbH & Co. KG
Jakob-Funke-Platz 2,
45127 Essen
Represented by the legally liable shareholder
Ruhrgründer Verwaltungs GmbH
Managing Directors
Jan Gräfe
Thorsten Reuter
Phone: 0201 89072010
Register Court
Gründerfonds Ruhr GmbH & Co. KG Amtsgericht Essen HRA 10704
Ruhrgründer GmbH Amtsgericht Essen HRB 28095
Ruhrgründer Verwaltungs GmbH Amtsgericht Essen HRB 28102
Competent supervisory authority for Gründerfonds Ruhr GmbH & Co. KG:
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
Gründerfonds Ruhr II
Ruhrgründer Management GmbH
Jakob-Funke-Platz 2,
45127 Essen
Managing Director
Jan Gräfe
Ann-Christin Kortenbrede
Phone: 0201 89072010
Register Court
Ruhrgründer Management GmbH Amtsgericht Essen HRB 34688
Competent supervisory authority for Ruhrgründer Management GmbH:
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
Privacy Policy
Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in our company and services. The protection of your privacy in the processing of personal data is important to us. You can find our data protection policy here.
Name and address of the responsible party with respect to the GDPR
Ruhrgründer GmbH
Jakob-Funke-Platz 2,
45127 Essen
Phone: 0201 89072010
Data Protection Officer
Tim Schabio
Phone: +49 201 – 890 66 123
Please contact our data protection officer for all questions and suggestions regarding data protection.
Image sources:
Images relating to Fasciotens were provided by Initiativkreis Ruhr with their permission.
Images relating to the RAG-Foundation were taken by Mike Henning and provided with the permission of the RAG-Foundation.
Pictures and logos of the partners and portfolio companies were provided with the permission of the respective company.
Design and programming
Mokapi Design – by Maureen Kuroczik |